International Fiscal Association 

(IFA) - India Branch
IFA India – UK Joint International Tax Conference on 17th & 18th September, 2024 at Hotel Lalit, New Delhi

India branch had tought of establishing an International tax academy in india in 1988 and with the efforts of Late Shri O.P. Vaish and other leadsing personalities had got a plot of 1800 sq. yards alloted by NOIDA Authoritie in institutional area of sector - 62 NOIDA. With the efforts of all the members of IFA and with contribution from corporates, leading proffesional firms and other professionals on international tax academy has became a reality.

India branch has since its foundation in 1983 has been continuosly arranging confrencess, seminars, workshops, study circle etc. to discuss the issue relating tointernational taxation. The idea to setup the academy was to provide a platform to carry on such activities and also to provide training and research opportunities to the persons aspiring to specialised in international taxation whis is an important field.

IFA Academy intends to become a "center for excellence" on international taxation. It will draw upon the best talent on international taxation from India and foreign countries. Eminent academicians, experienced and knowledgeable Government Officers, professionals from the leading law firms, big accounting firms and from industry, will form its faculty pool. The classes will be interactive and use "group discussion" model and use the latest techniques for imparting training. Classes will be from entry level to advanced level. Research in international law will be encouraged. IFA Academy will become a "one stop shop" for all matters relating to international taxation.

The academy is currently conducting short duration training programmes. It is also exploring the possibility of conducting long duration courses in collaboration with a reputed university with a view to issuing diplomas and degrees. There will also be tailor made courses to meet the specific requirements of the officers of the Indian Revenue Service as also the officers of the taxation departments of foreign countries, particularly from Asia and Africa.

Even before the formal inauguration of the academy, training programmes have been conducted in hired accommodation both in the area of International Taxation as well as in Transfer Pricing. A calender has already been finalized for conducting short duration courses in the Academy building from the beginning of December, 2014.

The Academy will offer facilities to the students, professionals, corporate executives and tax officials for studies and also to carry out research in international taxation. This subject and also transfer pricing regulations in relations to international transactions has assumed great importance in the present scenario on account of globalization and efforts of the government to give boost to the growth through inbound investments and technology. The Academy will provide short term and long term courses also which will be designed for all levels of studies such as basic, intermediary and advance level studies. The IFA Academy will provide a unique opportunity to the aspirants of studying International taxation.

The building has built up area of 30,000 sq. ft. spread over 4 floors. The ground floor, Apart for Administrator block has a state-of-the-art theater style auditorium with seating capacity of 262 seats. The first floor has 2 teaching rooms of seating capacity of 40 & 60 with latest audio and video facilities. Third floor will have well equipped digital library which is in the process of being setting and forth floor will have canteen and residential facility.

IFA India and IFA-India Academy wishes to place on record its deep sense of gratitude to all donors whose contribution have made IFA-India Academy a reality.

Name of Donors
• Teledata Infomatics Ltd
• Spice Group
• Vaish Associates
• Nishith Desai & Associate
• BMR & Associates
• Ernst & Young
• Mr. T.P. Ostwal
• Mr. O.P. Dani
• Enam Securities Pvt. Ltd
• Northern Region - IFA India
• Mr. S.R. Wadhwa
• Mr. A.K. Goyal
• Mr. S.C. Parija
• Mr. S.C. Agrawal
• Mr. Mukesh Butani
• Mr. Nishith Desai
• Mr. Rahul Garg
• Mr. Sushil Lakhani
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